Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Egg Hunt and Husbands

My girls love to hunt Easter eggs!!

It was Aubrey and Annsley’s parties today.  Annsley went first.  She started a bit shy buy thanks to the fact Autumn played hooky, Annsley was able to warm up quickly.

(Dear CPS, Autumn had a slight altercation involving her knee and the driveway.  The entire knee is scraped up and bless her fragile little heart, she limped around all morning.  She also went to sleep super late and was so tired she was in tears about her knee so I just let her stay with me.  She was begging to go to school buy the end of the day though.)

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Annsley’s best friend, Olivia

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Then it was Aubrey’s turn…

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This is one of Aubrey’s friends, Aubrey.


Once we got home, Autumn went right into teacher mode and started playing egg hunt and Annsley and Aubrey were the students.

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Then much needed nap time:

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Then most of the rest of the evening was spent with me digging though and very dirty, dusty, musty, junky, messy, and horrifyingly unorganized storage building.  I got ALL of my dishes out and ready to go into my kitchen.  Now if I could find time to do that!

Now onto the part that the skirmish should skip over.  I’m have to brag on my sweet husband.  He does so much for me and our family.  He’s Hot (if only to me) and so brave.  I sure hope he continues to act right so I can keep him alive. I love him!!!


This is him working on our future.  He is so much smarter than anyone could ever imagine and can do whatever he puts his mind to.  He is amazingly handy and freakishly strong.  The man could dead lift a house.    The fact he is wet your pants funny is really just the icing on the marriage cake! Lurve Him.


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