Tuesday, June 14, 2011

2011 Goat Babies

So, you know we have goats right?  You know we have a lot of goats right?  Many many many goats equal higher odds that something may go wrong with said goats right? 


This year has been hard.  We’ve had a banner year baby wise but it’s also been riddled with the most problems.


As of a few nights ago, we finally have finished our kidding season.  All babies are born, no expecting mommies anymore.  3 goats did not make it though and do you know exactly how hard that is for us?  Terrible.


Our first baby of the season died shortly after being born.  Were not sure what went wrong there.  Our second and third were recently.  A baby born dead (died during delivery) and then the mom just a few days later.  I think she died of a broken heart and if you’re a mom, you should understand.


What's worse, is that Autumn (on one of her many trips to the barn) discovered Blue Eye’s.  The Momma goat.  Dead in the pasture.  Joshua is never home when bad things happen and that pisses me off.  Why they can’t get caught in a fence, stuck, hurt, sick, lost, broke and dead on his watch?

(Blue eye’s was one of the babies from last year.) The picture below is Blue eyes as a baby


Autumn was amazing this year!  Delivered a lot of the babies herself.  Her Dad always close.  When it was Autumn’s goat though she was on her own.  Joshua there to watch only!  She did perfect.  I’ll show you some pictures but I hope your not hungry because you may not be after these: 



Twins!  Boy and Girl!  Autumn’s ecstatic!  Since the Momma goat’s name is Marshmallow, she named the girl Smores.  How cute is that?

Now, if we could keep what we have healthy and ALIVE, we should be in good shape.  We shall see.  We will take part in our first auction in October selling the boys.  It’s a huge honor to be asked to be in these auctions so were super excited!

2011 goat kidding season is in the books!  Whew who!!!


Life is Butter Dream

I’d like to share today a fact about me that I thought would actually never be true and I would certainly not live though it.  I turned 30.  OUCH!  That’s all I can say.  It’s pretty painful really.  I plum hate it.  "I’d rather be 40!”  I would. 

I’ve noticed a drastic change and I blame it all on the amount of years I ‘ve been alive.  I used to be the girl that would never miss anything.  Saw my friends and family regularly and constantly was on the go onto something new, fun and exciting to do with my family.  That has all come to a screeching halt.  NO more FUN!  Our days are so full of the things that MUST be done that what’s fun to us is nothing.  I have planned “Nothing” this summer.  I had to plan it to make it happen. There's a word for that.  Is it irony, oxymoron or one of those terms?

I have changed into a person I used to feel sorry for.  The kind of person that does not always open their curtains.  The kind of person that would rather stay in than go out.  The kind of person that no longer thinks anything outside of the house is worth doing.

Were 3 weeks into this summer and it’s been the best ever.  We have done nothing!  At all!  It’s great!!  I have laundry done.  An empty sink.  Finished Projects.  Organized stuff.  WTH??

I’m even caught up on pictures so that gives me time for baking.  I’ve more than gained my lost 7 pounds.  I’ve decided I’d rather be happy than make everyone that’s looking at me happy.

We do get out occasionally.  A friend of mine felt sorry for my financial state and hired me part time to help them with their trucking business, so that gets me and the girls out the house one day a week or so.  And frankly my dear, that’s good enough for us.

So, if you need us, were more than likely here.  With the curtains closed.  In a perfectly clean house.  With our finished projects and baked goods.  Life is amazing.
