Friday, February 26, 2010

always the opposite of everyone else..

I’m so excited because in the morning, (or in the middle of the night when I go check on the girls) I will not have to step onto a cold floor.  We got carpet!   Most people now days are pulling up carpet and laying wood floors… Not us!  Nope!  Were not the norm.

This is how our house looked this morning…. I did not get a before of Autumn’s room for some reason.

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This is what it looked like when I left.  Oh My

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Thank you Emily, Aidan, Isabelle and Noah for meeting us for lunch so we were not stuck in the kitchen!

Here is what I came home to.  (After Joshua and I moved all the furniture back)

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We have made our first ever furniture purchases last month and they will be in about a week or so and then I will get some curtains and big girl decorations for our house!  It will be a very slow process but I’m excited to finally have it going!  My bedroom is going to be a huge undertaking but I’m the most excited about that.  Kitchen needs a backsplash and a few tiny details and then the girls rooms need curtains and a few things but are not hard and wont be that expensive.

With us moving in this August, then having 2 birthdays, Thanksgiving, Christmas and then another birthday, these projects have been much anticipated and long over due.  Thankfully we are officially started and plan on having most of everything finished this summer.  I guess I will never be finished with the house but you know what I mean.  Right?


1 comment:

  1. LOVE the carpet lady! Doesn't it feel good on your feet when you get out of bed in the morning:)hehe I can't wait to see it in person again! Your animal babies better not mess it up! Love you!


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